Thursday, November 19, 2015

Talking Turkey

As Thanksgiving approaches I think it is only natural for all of us to think back in time to the way Thanksgiving was celebrated in our homes as children. Some of us remember special times with extended family gathered at a long table or around the house. When I was a kid there was a predictable pattern to Thanksgiving. We grew up living next to my mother's parents who were part of my everyday life. The cooking would begin early and both houses would be full of the smells of onions, sage, thyme, rosemary and all encapsulated in the warm steam created by all the cooking. It was always an exhausting day, filled with both the joys and the craziness that typifies family.

Now when I say craziness, I think everyone knows what I mean.  Families have patterns and dynamics  that interweave all of our interactions. Surely some of these dynamics play out  more positively or more negatively in different family systems.  As of these memories tend to come back, unless they were traumatic,  we usually remember the more positive ones.

Among the siblings birth order  has a lot to do  with the interplay between  parents,  grandparents,  and children.  A friend of mine clipped a page out of a catalog recently  on which  there were three  T-shirts  you could purchase.  The first T-shirt was printed with   'I am the oldest , I make the rules".  The second T-shirt said  "I am the youngest the rules  don't apply to me" . The third T-shirt,  the one most appropriate for me personally said " I'm the middle I'm the reason  we had rules " !

 No matter what your family is like ,  or how widely spread they are  across  the country with the world  I do hope  you have  a marvelous  Thanksgiving day.

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