Monday, October 26, 2015

Our Fall Speaking Events


2015 Fall Community Presentations

October 8              Maintaining a Healthy Brain: Fun and Effective Strategies

10-11:3- AM         Nate Murray and Kim Bennett

                                Hanson COA

132 Maquan Street



October  14          I didn’t Know There Was Help Out There; resources for you when you need them

12:30-1:30PM      Kim Bennett

                                Kingston COA 28Evergreen Street, Kingston

                                781-585-0512 Pre-Registration


October 21           Health and Fitness Fair. Come Visit Us!

10AM-2PM           Nate Murray and Kim Bennett


75 Mill Street, Hanover

781-829-8585 Pre-Registration


October 28           Lost in Time; Effective Strategies for Dementia care at home

12:-1:30PM          Kim Bennett

                                Kingston COA 28Evergreen Street, Kingston

                                781-585-0512 Pre-Registration


October 28           When Caregiving Ends; Managing Your Changing Role

7-8PM                    Hingham Elder Services, 228 Central Street, Himgham

Kim Bennett         

                                781-741-1458 Pre-Registration

November 13       Hope Dementia Caregiver Support Group

12:30- 2PM           Kim Bennett

Old Colony Senior Services, 144 Main Street, Brockton

 (800) 242-0246 Pre-Registration


November 16       Aging Mastery Program: Healthy Relationships

Noon-2PM             Kim Bennet

Kingston COA 28 Evergreen Street, Kingston

                                781-585-0512 Pre-Registration


November 23       Aging Mastery Program: Don’t Fall! A Fall Prevention presentation

Noon-2                   Nate Murray                        

Kingston COA 28 Evergreen Street

                                781-585-0512  Pre-Registration